Take your team and business to the next level with effective and affordable instructor-led training workshops.

Instructor-led Training Workshops

Corporate training departments continue to be phased out and outsourcing corporate training continues to escalate, and for many good reasons as you’ll discover below. Instructor-Led Training (ILT) became the gold standard not because it’s perfect (we all know that isn’t true), but because it’s better than other traditional methods of training, especially if you are considering gaining a degree that could take many years, disrupt your normal life routine, cause much stress and often cost tens of thousands of dollars.

We intentionally suggest combining e-learning online courses with leadership and management courses (ILT workshops) as they support and complement the learning journey of the individual and teams that participate. It also provides high levels of options, flexibility and efficiency for both individual participant and or the company requiring their staff to be developed through the training.

As instructors or trainers, we love helping others understand the best ways to utilise great learning materials in a conventional way, but we also love the latest technologies to create practical solutions for individuals or client organisations. ILT workshops is one of our primary approaches we use to help participants continue to grow their skill sets and capacity.

Download the complete Soft Skill Course List By Theme here.

Download the complete Soft Skill Course Catalog List and Outline here.

Our bottom line: providing effective, affordable training and coaching for leaders (both live ‘in person’ or ‘virtual’ workshops). 

You’ll find eight (8) categories of soft skill instructor-led training workshops below. In total, we have almost 200 themed leadership and management courses for you to select from. We also have the technological ability to pick and choose from hundreds of course modules to customise a training program that suits your needs.

Contact us today to discuss your needs, and receive and free quote and customised proposal.

8 categories of Soft Skill Workshops

What people say

“I highly recommend Jane, she has been an tremendous impact on streamlining the office processes and management of our business, she has also been of great assistance with HR issues and has also been helpful in establishing new processes and procedures. She listens well and applies her skills and knowledge in an appropriate and useful manner, relevant to our business. She also relates well to all staff. We are so grateful to have her support within our business.”

Jessica Jones
Director , Hoses 24, Sunshine Coast QLD

“Thank you Phil and Justin for your presentation at the FYG Planners Conference held in Melbourne. Our advisers enjoyed being reminded of how important it is to distinguish listening from hearing and how essential it is to provide clear instructions and the value of providing clarity when questioning. The key staff indicated that they learned that ‘listening is not just hearing’, and ‘how important it is to be empathetic, not sympathetic.’ “

Peter Mancell
Managing Director, Mancell Financial Group - Tasmania

“Phil has years of experience in personal and professional development. His ability to read and reach an audience and engage on many levels coupled with a remarkable understanding of how specific personal development traits contribute best to organisational outcomes make him an ideal facilitator and coach. I highly recommend Phil for personal development and management coaching for organisations that place value on improving the worth and contributions of their best asset, their people.”

Jim Bryans
Operations Manager, Aurizo, Townsville QLD

The Advantages of OUR Workshops

It’s simple. You get what you pay for, and in the case of instructor-led training workshops, you get better results in a condensed, shorter time frame as compared to longer term (one to three years) self-study where people often start and stop their training, resulting in lower retention.

Studies show that people retain more of their new knowledge and skills when learning from an instructor in the room with them following a continuous flow of information. Participants who are ready to put their new knowledge and skills into action immediately following their training is financially cost-effective for any organisation. It’s for this very reason we always recommend backing up the learning with vital coaching in the participants normal work environment. This way, new knowledge and understanding becomes a new style of operating given the new habits or ‘new norm’.

Remember great leaders aren’t born – they’re trained. Get started today!

Ask questions and get immediate answers:

One of the biggest advantages of using instructor-led training is it offers the ability to ask questions about what is covered in the lecture, lab, or demonstration. Students are usually encouraged to ask questions. The instructor and fellow students can offer answers based on their valuable experiences.

Individual Attention to Participant Needs:

If our instructor notices one or more participants is having specific problems, either in understanding some topic or in applying the learning to their particular situation, he/she will offer to help during breaks or after class. Unfortunately, instructors can’t read these types of body-language signs from participants who are remotely attending the class.

Gain deeper insights from group interaction and group exercises/activities:

Most students acknowledge that their understanding is greatly enhanced through group discussions and interactions that frequently take place during our workshops, let alone the variety and practical demonstration that exercises or activities provide the group.

Breaking Down Silos:

Getting people from different departments and functional groups together in a classroom can help to break down the silos that inhibit cross-unit dialog and cooperation. Problems are solved more quickly thanks to personal interaction, relationship building and a new shared understanding.

Learn the entire course:

Many people that have taken a virtual course or read a book on a topic, typically stop for a period or put the book down, often never return to the course or book despite best intentions… if they do return to the learning materials/course they have often forgotten much of the learning and will most likely not go through all the materials provided. Instead, we tend to jump to certain points that we thought were important at the time and skip the rest. Taking an ILT workshop enforces the learning pattern of covering all the materials.

Get away from work to focus on learning:

Many times students comment on how it is great to get away from the office or work site and not be pestered by phone calls, co-workers dropping into your office, normal meetings and copious amounts of email while trying to learn new skills. As well, when taking a class at a pleasant external facility, students typically work with full versions of the learning materials tools in an environment that is safe to experiment on while not screwing up their ‘real world’ environment back at work.

Network with your fellow students:

Informal interaction with other participants, during the class, at breaks, or over lunch is often invaluable. While on-line discussion groups can offer opportunities for informal interaction, they cannot match the experience of interacting face-to-face.

I am always impressed when I see students networking with each other. They share some of the problems they’ve overcome and the solutions they implemented. They often share contact information and business cards. The classroom environment evolves into a richer team learning experience. Our instructors create a safe environment for learning, and instil an atmosphere of acceptance that enables collaboration and shared problem-solving without the fear of judgement.

Retake the e-learning version of the course for half price:

Our ILT soft skill workshops typically cover an enormous amount of information that can be a lot for a participant to absorb in one to three days of training. We welcome our past workshop participants to retake our course up to one year after taking the ILT version of any soft skill workshop, and we’ll offer a 50% discount off the normal price for the e-learning version as a refresher. If we are still offering the course online, the participant will be provided a self-study guide and a quick reference guide as part of the refresher through our e-learning versions of each soft skill course.

Typically, a one day ILT workshop can be condensed into approximately a two hour e-learning course. A two day ILT workshop becomes a four hour e-learning course, and a three day ILT workshop is approximately a six hour e-learning course.

Contact us today to discuss your needs, and receive and free quote and customised proposal for our Instructor-Led Training workshops. Given restrictions and challenges we currently face, ILT workshops can also be conducted by internet conferencing (e.g. Skype or Zoom).

Our bottom line: providing effective, affordable training and coaching for leaders.

Grow Your Team"The single biggest way to positively impact an organisation is to continually focus on leadership development." John C Maxwell

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FAQ's about our WORKSHOPS

The Soft Skill courses can be delivered as e-learning online courses or instructor-led training (ILT) workshops. Typically, a two hour e-learning course equates to a one day ILT workshop. A four hour e-learning course equates to a two day ILT workshop. A six hour e-learning course equates to a three day ILT workshop. Review individual course descriptions for further information.

Pricing is dependent on the duration of the training course, materials provided, and the amount of customisation required.

Generally, Instructor-led Training Workshop pricing starts at $3,000 for a one day workshop, $5,500 for a two day workshop, and $8,000 for a three day workshop. Each workshop is restricted to a maximum 16 student participants per workshop. Prices do not included GST and associated costs (such as travel, accommodation, meals, venue hire, printing etc, these are additional costs). All pricing is in Australian Dollars.

Contact us to discuss your needs and to provide you a quote.

Yes. We encourage customisation to address your needs and challenges your team has. We have the ability to select multiple modules in various topics and bundle them together to form a program that meets your needs and budget.

We do everything we can to understand your company’s goals for training. Once we have clearly identified your goals and the areas of development, we work with you and the instructor to determine content and focus.

Quotes are based on a minimum of 10 attendees. In most cases, we recommend 16 participants to optimise one-on-one interaction with other participants and the instructor.

We offer both classroom workshops (normally up to 16 students at a time) and e-learning applications for all our soft skill courses. Classroom sessions will require travel to a training facility if its conducted away from your company facility/site, whereas e-learning may be taken from pretty much anywhere on any device as long as you have good internet connection and speed. Select your course of interest from the eight categories of soft skill or computer courses and find out what the options are (classroom workshops or e-learning) and make a purchase or reach out to us direct to discuss your needs and provide a quote for individual course, or bundles of courses or for companies that have multiple students/participants and several topics the client wished to have their staff trained in.

Our course creators and team of workshop instructors are content and industry experts who have many years of hands-on training, consulting and coaching experience. We utilise a rigorous evaluation process to ensure we work with the most knowledgeable course creators and workshop instructors.


Any questions so far?  Perhaps you like to speak to one of our helpful team over the phone?  Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch.

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